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What are the living conditions?

🔵 There are three modes where you can align his life with the creative force of the universe. The conditions of acceptance, joy, and passion.
And each of which represents a particular frequency of consciousness and always be careful that whatever you're involved in one of three modes of operation, if you are not in a position to accept or joy or passion, look carefully, you will find that for themselves and others are creating suffering.

       If you do not enjoy, at least you can accept that this is what you need to do.

The acceptance of this position at this time I would, that do I, and so I do it willingly.

Perform an action in accepting status means that you do this with ease.
        Comfort is the energy fluctuations in the flow of work you do,
 If you really must do something can not accept it because they're soldiers suffered for you will be.



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