🔵 «influence on the hearts of others."
The woman had gone to a small town to live there.Later, the wife of poor service pharmacies in to his neighbor protested. He had hoped for a neighbor to know the owner of the pharmacy, this criticism to listen to him.
When the woman went back to the pharmacy, where the owner greeted with a smile and cheerfulness to him and said how happy to see him and it is hoped they liked the city is tax free and quick drug release was delivered to him.
The woman immediately Unbelievable strange behavior and he shared with his friend.She said: "I think I mentioned to him for poor service contracts"The neighbor said: "No. Discomfort what you should do, I told him that you are pleased with how
positive performance and believes how good he can only handle the city's pharmacies.I told him that his pharmacy pharmacy is the best you ever seen. "The woman knew that people respect, respond.
In fact, if you treat others respectfully, almost anything that they can handle, you will do.This behavior indicates that important feelings, respect their interests and opinions are valued.The book, "How can anyone be influential?"By John. Maxwell
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