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5 Horrible Habits That Can Lead to Many Dental Problems

We've all been taught about dental hygiene and how to maintain good oral health since we were kids; to brush our teeth twice a day, to floss after every meal and to visit our dentist at least every 6 months. But did you ever wonder, are there any habits that actually damage our teeth silently that we are completely unaware of?

The answer is yes! Many of us unknowingly adopt habits that gradually eat away or damage our teeth. The trick to proper and complete dental care is to not only to stick to all the good habits but also avoid all the bad ones. Here are 5 horrible dental habits that we should all avoid:

1. Crushing Ice with our Teeth
Yes, some of us really like the cold sensation that is produced when we put ice in our mouths. Especially on a hot day when an ice-cube is crushed between your teeth and the cold water trickles down your throat. The feeling can be very relieving!
But did you ever consider how are our teeth affected by being in contact with an ice that is below zero degrees? Ice cubes have a very hard and cold surface and when you bite them; your teeth come into contact with them with great force. That may cause cracks in your teeth, chip them off or even fracture them. If a person continues this habit over a long period of time, extensive damage can be done.

2. The Power of Teeth
For immediate solutions, when there seem to be no tools at hand we tend to seek help from our poor innocent teeth to show a bit of versatility. When you can't get the ketchup bottle to open up, or when you find a price tag on your new pair of jeans, or when you're in the middle of doing your nails and the bottle of the next coat of nail paint won't open up. We use our teeth to get the job done.
Although at times convenient but using teeth as tools can be seriously damaging in the long run. The force that we apply on our teeth can cause a weaken part of the tooth to be chipped off

3. Say No to Tooth Picks
Using any sharp object like a pin or toothpick, to clean your teeth can actually do much more damage than good. The pointy surface may damage the enamel of the tooth, harm the gums or even cause the gaps between the teeth to widen. The best and safe way to clean your teeth is to use dental floss.

4. Brushing Harder and Faster
Although it may seem more effective but actually dentists recommend people to brush their teeth slowly and gently; this will clean their teeth thoroughly and prevent any damage that may be caused by hitting the toothbrush hard on the gums.

5. Grinding your Teeth
Some people have a tendency to grind their teeth with they are nervous, anxious or worried. Grinding over time causes the structure of the teeth to be worn out. People who suffer from this problem should visit their dentist to find suitable measures to prevent this habit.


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