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5 Yoga Poses For Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Just as the name implies, this condition can make someone very uncomfortable. An irritable bowel syndrome, also referred to as IBS, can be very debilitating and embarrassing. Yoga has been discovered to remedy this situation.
When you feel that there is something wrong in your gut, it is certainly a sign that something is not right in your life. Gut feelings, can also be a message that is sent from the brain as well as from the belly. If you are among the persons who are suffering from irritable bowel syndrome, (IBS), this particular message, manifest as more than just an occasional discomfort. It is a very chronic experience of abdominal pain and digestive distress that shows the intimate relationship that exist between the mind and the body. It is interesting to know how yoga can help to relieve one of this symptoms, by reducing stress and also teaching you how to pay attention to your body.
IBS is a very serious health condition, affecting millions of people all over the world. IBS, has for long been a bit of a medical mystery. The symptoms that it creates, suggests that there is a problem in the digestive tract, but people suffering from this condition, show no physical damage to their stomach, intestines or colon.
How Can Yoga help to fix Irritable Bow Syndrome?
One of the most common triggers of IBS symptoms is stress. Yoga is a good option to consider, for taking care of stress. It can help you to shut down stress, by calming the nervous system. It also helps to calm your irritated digestive system. If you want to get best results, choose postures that are accessible, not overly ambitious. There is no need for you to struggle to squeeze your body into postures that are more painful than peaceful. During your practice, make sure you also include steady and smooth breathing. If your breathing is strained, it will release more stress and symptoms to your body system.
You also need to make sure that you include a relaxation pose, at the end of your practice. You can also consider starting your practice with some relaxation. This will help to send a clear signal to your body and mind that it has to slow down a bit, let go and also shift toward a state of healing. It can also help the body to tolerate sensations that are uncomfortable.
Here are five yoga poses for IBS
1. Parighasana (gate pose)
2. Ardha matsyendrasana (half-seated spinal twist)
3. Jathara parivritti (reclining abdominal twist)
4. Salamba setu bandhasana (supported bridge pose)
5. Ananda balasana (happy baby pose)


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